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Rippers pls shoo.♥



Thursday, April 9, 2009 ; 9:53 PM♥
❤爱,小傑 ;

Excuse me, mr/miss abcd. Who are you to say to me like that? Do you know that in this world there is something called having a busy schedule? I know the third abcd comment is from a different person from the first two abcd comments. Because my friend was the one who wrote the first two comments and she even swear that she didn't even write the third comment. I've been suspecting someone from my class but I'm not going to reveal it. If you're the one that I'm suspecting, just come up to me and say it to me directly. Why must you write like this? If you want to say something like that, come find me and say it directly. Don't chicken out by writing things online. It just means you're just childish. Listen. I warn you. Even until the slightest corner of the world, I'm going to find you and give a tight slap on your face. You're lucky that I didn't even write swear words here. I'm done talking here. So, remember, if you want to say like that comment, better say it directly infront of me privately! Understand?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008 ; 8:12 PM♥
❤爱,小傑 ;

Just saw it in Channel U. Well, Fahrenheit is coming to Singapore. Aren't u guys happy? Well, I'm not happy cus I know that I'm going to holiday for 5 to 4 days so I can't go. Huhu. Even the Lollipop autograph session also I never go. Ok. This is getting too crazy. Well, I actually saw Calvin's latest hairstyle and it's like oh my god, what happen to you? Aaron also cut his hair short. Why are these singers cutting their hair short? Even Lollipop has cut their hair short especially Xiao Yu with his rocker image. (always but I like his new hairstyle) Ok then. That's all for today. Rock on! Oh ya, I really like Wang Zi's new hairstyle. If I got it right, he cut his hair short too. I think. Toodles.

Monday, November 24, 2008 ; 7:33 PM♥
❤爱,小傑 ;

Nu Sheng - Hey Girl/Hei Girl - Hanyu Pinyin

Wo Shi Nu Sheng

Wo Zhi Shi Nu Sheng

( Verse 1 )Qing Qing Zai Er Tou Shang Yi Wen

Shi Ni Dui Wo De Fu Zhe

Ni Shuo Wo Hai Zhi Shi Nu Sheng

Bu Dong Ai De Cang Ren

Qing Qing Ca Qu Wo De Lei Hen

Shi Ni Qian Shou De Xiang Zheng

Ni Shuo Ni Hui Ai Nu Ren

Hai Jie Zhe Xiao Wo Ben

Dan Shi Wo Xin Zhong De Ai Qing

Mei Na Me Duo De Nan Ti

Wo Zhi Zhi Dao Ai Shang Le

Na Jiu Shi Ai Shang Le

Mei You Yi Wen

( Chorus ) Wo Shi Nu Sheng Zhi Yao Ai Yi Ge Ren

Yong Jin Quan Li Qu Zheng

Bu Guan Ai Qing You Duo Can Ren

Bu Guan Ni Xiao Wo Ben

Wo Shi Nu Sheng

Bu Guan Ai Duo Can Ren

Wo Bi Shui Duo Ren Zhen

Bu Guan Shi Nu Sheng Huo Nu Ren

Bu Guan Ni Xiao Wo Ben

Wo Shi Nu Sheng

Repeat Verse 1, Chorus 2x.

Friday, November 14, 2008 ; 2:11 PM♥
❤爱,小傑 ;

Hi. I know I really didn't post anything. Well, before I thought I could do the script. But after two weeks of writing the script, I thought it's better I stick onto the summary. So here's the summary. It's gonna be very short maybe. Well, here goes... It started of Xiao Long talk to Ying Ying. Xiao Long got a message from Liu Xiang to meet him at the sutra chamber so she met him there. He told Xiao Long the 'truth'. He said that he was the prince charming that Xiao Long knows. They agreed to be friends again and Liu Xiang were about to walk off when Xiao long ask what flavour of popcorn did they ate in the past. Xiao Bao didn't mention about that to Liu Xiang so Liu Xiang said that it was durian (he made a guess). Then he walk off. Xiao Long went over to Xiao Bao with a box of popcorn. Xiao Bao ate a few times and taste how disgusting the popcorn is. When he got to know that the truth is gonna be out, he said that there is 4 possibilities. So he explain the 4 possibilities. After the third possibility, Xiao Long throw popcorn on him and went away. Xiao Bao thought for awhile why did she do that. When he found the answer in his room. Xiao Long got to know the truth from Xiao Bao. They fought. (Verbal not physical) After two weeks, Linghu Cong has recovered already. Xiao Long was reading an article to Jian Ning and Linghu Cong. Then the others came. When Xiao Long saw Xiao Bao, she quickly turn away. Xiao Bao went away sad. Liu Xiang and Jian Ning started to talk about Xiao Bao being sincere in asking for Xiao Long's forgiveness. Liu Xiang went to meet Ying Ying. They hug until Jian Ning interfer saying whether Liu Xiang and Ying Ying can take care of Linghu for awhile. Liu Xiang agreed and Jian Ning went into the dorm. Liu Xiang told Ying Ying to get some rest and he will take care of Linghu by himself. He went into the nurse room only to find Linghu missing. Jian Ning who was waiting for Guo Jing got a call from Liu Xiang. Ying Ying who was walking aroung West Side saw Linghu up on the roof top. He jump down and Ying Ying caught hold of him. Liu Xiang saw them. They went back to the nurse room. The principal told Linghu that Linghu don't have anymore neili already because of Dong Fang Bu Bai's poison palm. The others went out. They talk. Guo Jing told Jian Ning whether the neili inside him could be transfered into Linghu's body. If it could, they could save him. Somewhere in school, Xiao Bao was thinking about him lying to Xiao Long. Xiao Long came to him and they talk. In the office, the principal said that Liu Xiang will be the new leader of the seven people formation. In the nurse room, while they were talking, Teacher Lu came in. He brought news that Linghu and Jian Ning will be going to Canada for further studies. Jian Ning came in and got the news. She look at Guo Jing who was looking so listless. She try to protest but her father defended Linghu so she has to go with him. Somewhere in the school, Guo Jing and Jian Ning kept silent. Jian Ning scolded him asking what will happen to him if she leaves. He will get bullied everyday. They hugged. Ying Ying saw them and brought Jian Ning away leaving Guo Jing alone. In the girl's room, Ying Ying and Jian Ning got into a fight. In the training room, it's time for the audition of the seven people formation. Many came from different schools. They fought. The final result was Shuang-Er(south side), Cang Tai, Guo Jing and the other four students. In a corner of the school, the six of them were sitting separately and keeping quiet. Outside of the school, in Taipei, the Sheng Nu Guardian met someone from West Side (the traitor). Actually the traitor didn't get out of West Side (means Ms Nurse isn't the traitor). They talk. That's the end of Hei Tang Qun Xia Zhuan episode 8. Toodles.

Thursday, October 23, 2008 ; 8:44 PM♥
❤爱,小傑 ;

Ola all. Ok, I know I really took a long time to write another summary but please sorry. Hei Tang Qun Xia Zhuan episode 8 and 9 are currently posted up in Mysoju but it's broken. And some of the videos of episode 9 is not related to Hei Tang Qun Xia Zhuan episode. So, I'll try to find the other vids in other websites. Well, I just say, in episode 9, I think (only) Linghu Cong got to know that Jian Ning likes Guo Jing. I actually intend to not do a summary but write a script like king. Like:-
Guo Jing:- I'm sorry.
Jian Ning:- No, it's ok.
They hug each other.
So, I'll try this on episode 8 of Hei Tang Qun Xia Zhuan. Maybe, tommorrow. Cos, I'm starting my holidays. Yeah!

Signing out,
Xiao Jie Jie :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008 ; 5:44 PM♥
❤爱,小傑 ;

Hi. I'm sorry. I know that some people might be asking why didn't I wrote Hei Tang Qun Xia Zhuan episode 8 first cause the vid is broken so I'm still waiting for mysoju to 'cure' it. So, let's continue Hei Tang Qun Xia Zhuan episode 9. Hehe. I know you will not understand so just try to understand. What am I saying? I also don't know. Oh fine. Let's just continue. Ok. It started with Liu Xiang talking to Ying Ying. They were talking about the formation cause they just finish practise the formation. She went away alone. She saw Miss Jin. (Qian Bei's wife). Miss Jin ask whether she knows Bing Fo Dan 's whereabouts. Ying Ying said she doesn't know then she went away. In the boys room, Linghu Cong was packing his bag. ( In episode 8, he was supposed to go overseas with Jian Ning ) Xiao Bao was exercising. When Linghu Cong was about to put his uniform in the bag, memories of him practising went into his mind. Liu Xiang went in asked whether Linghu Cong wants a party. Xiao Bao suggest having the party at the Taipei Arena but Liu Xiang said that he just want to gather up some friends and then have a good chat together. Then, Xiao Bao went away. When he went away, Liu Xiang and Linghu Cong talk about Ying Ying after her father's death. Liu Xiang went away. The next day, Linghu Cong was walking by himself at the corridor. He went into a corner of the school and saw Jian Ning writing something on the table. He went over to her. He ask what she is writing. Jian Ning told him that it was just a farewell note for her to say later that night. Linghu Cong sat beside her and read those letters. He saw Guo Jing's letter and read it. While he was reading, Jian Ning's memories about Guo Jing came to her. In a room, Guo Jing was thinking about something while peeling some apples. Qian Bei stop him and ask when will he gave the apples to him. Guo Jing gave it to him. Qian Bei ask why didn't he stop Jian Ning when she was suppose to go overseas. Qian Bei said that he knows that Guo Jing was always thinking about Jian Ning. He said again that maybe Jian Ning likes Guo Jing also. Guo Jing stop the conversation. They started to talk about Miss Jin instead. She heard about it. She cried. In a restaurant, the 8 warriors plus Cang Tai was eating food. Liu Xiang gave a small muffler to Jian Ning while Xiao Bao gave her a hundred use first aid box. Guo Jing gave them a rice cooker. Ying Ying saw that Jian Ning was about to cry so she ask Cang Tai what did he gave them. He said that he didn't prepare any presents. Jian Ning gave each of them a card each. Guo Jing was about to open but Jian Ning stop him and said that when they return to West Side, they may open it. Xiao Bao introduce them to a game that is to pair up in a group and then finding 10 socks. Cang Tai suggest drawing lots for the pair ups. They draw lots. Linghu Cong with Ying Ying. Jian Ning with Guo Jing. Liu Xiang with Cang Tai. Xiao Bao with Xiao Long. Outside of the restaurant, Xiao Bao was catching up with Xiao Long. Xiao Long went over to him. She asked whether he want to go on his own or as a team. When he was about to answer, Xiao Long said that they are going on their own. Xiao Bao try to stop her but get beaten up by her. When they stop for awhile, Xiao Bao who had put the stone that Xiao Long have. ( She return it to him at episode 8 when she finds out that Xiao Bao was lying to her. ) He hid it. He said that he kept the stone so s to remind himself that he should not hurt people anymore. Xiao Long went away after she push him. Xiao Bao ask himself why is she so angry plus asking whether is it so bad that he try to be good. Ying Ying and Linghu Cong was walking together. They went to a boy who was wearing socks. He ask whether the boy could give him the socks. Linghu Cong said that he will do anything to get that sock. The boy said that he want to see Lollipop song and dance. So, Linghu Cong sing and dance. Then, they got the sock. Guo Jing and Jian Ning has already collected 5 socks. They sat together. They talk. Jian Ning walk away. A weapon came flying to Guo Jing. He stop it easily. Jian Ning came and ask whether he is ok. Another came and Guo Jing protect Jian Ning. Liu Xiang saw it and quickly attack the ambusher. He went after him but he was nowhere to be found. Back at the restaurant, Xiao Bao ask maybe it was the doing of Dong Fang Bu Bai's subordinates. Cang Tai ask for a rematch with Guo Jing. (He had a match with Guo Jing but he got defeated and fainted.) When he was about to make a blow, Liu Xiang and Xiao Bao stop him. Linghu Cong told them that there is still a traitor in West Side. They went back to West Side. Jian Ning was talking about Guo Jing to Ying Ying saying that if she leaves, Guo Jing will not take care of the wound. Ying Ying assured her that she will help Jian Ning by taking care of Guo Jing. While they were talking, Xiao Long Nu came and said that there is a theif in the girls room. In the girls room, the theif made the room so messy as if he was finding something and he/she left footprints on the wall. The next day, the principal told Linghu Cong, Ying Ying and Liu Xiang to inform the students that they should be accompanied if they were going somewhere. The three of them went away. Xiao Bao was looking at the stone thinking about what he said to Xiao Long that night. Liu Xiang was surfing the net on his laptop. Xiao Bao ask him what if one person told another person "why must I make you good if I were to give you away to other people". what does that means. Liu Xang ask what did Xiao Long told him actually. He said that it couldn't be her. Liu Xiang told him that if a girl say that to a boy that means the girl likes the boy but is too embarrassed to tell him. Usually it is always after the boy had told many lies. In front of the mountain, Xiao Bao was thinking about Xiao Long liking him. Shuang Er (transferred in to West Side on episode 8) came and ask him why did he want to meet her. Xiao Bao saw Xiao Long and quickly said that he wants to be together with Shuang Er. Xiao Long call Xiao Bao and he went over to Xiao Long. Xiao Bao ask what is it. Xiao Long ask him whether he wants to die. She sucks in air and shout at him. Xiao Bao went flying away and hit a wooden pilliar. His nose and mouth bled. Xiao Long went away angrily. Xiao Bao said that it was true what Liu Xiang said that she likes him. He got a phone call from Linghu Cong and went away happily. At the sutra chamber, Xiao Bao was climbing up the stairs happily while rubbing his ears because of the shout that Xiao Long gave. Everybody was waiting for him so he went in quietly but still happy. He said hi to Xiao Long and ask what is happening. Jian Ning said that Linghu Cong called them for a meeting to find out about the traitor in West Side. They discussed and came up into a plan to ask the stodents who went out all night the night Guo Jing got attack. They went away to ask everyone who went out. Guo Jing was walking past Qian Bei's room when he heard some shouting. He went in and saw Qian Bei refusing drinking the medicine that Miss Jin made for him. Miss Jin went away. They talk about Jian Ning. Then Guo Jing stop it. And they talk about Miss Jin instead. Miss Jin heard it and she cried. Guo Jing gave Qian Bei a piece of chocolate so that he would eat the medicine. Miss Jin came in and Guo Jing went away. Miss Jin ask Qian Bei to spit the chocolate put because she knows he doesn't have appetite to eat. Then, they talk. In the class, the warriors plus Shuang Er were practising for the seven people formation. Everybody was beaten by the principal and lie down flat. Xiao Bao heard that Xiao Long needs a drink so he asked Guo Jing for some money and went off to buy some. Liu Xiang ask Guo Jing to get up. Then, he said again if he didn't get up, Cang Tai will get squashed by him. When Guo Jing heard that, he quickly get up and saw Cang Tai lying under him. He kept saying sorry.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 ; 4:54 PM♥
❤爱,小傑 ;

Hello! This is KO One episode 6 summary. Enjoys. Don't regret after reading it. It started at the teacher's office where Da Dong got scolded by the DM because he started a fight in school. Tian Xin said whether he would allow if only she handles this matters about Da Dong. The DM went away and she approches Da Dong. She sat down infront of Da Dong and look at him. Da Dong told her not to look at him like that. She started to scold Da Dong. Da Dong apologise to her. He went away and open the door. The DM was hearing their conversation. Outside the school, Ya Se was walking slowly. Xiao Yu was walking behind him. Ya Se ask how much longer will he want to follow. Xiao Yu said that he believe that he wasn't the one who took the piano score. They talk until Ya Se's car came. He ask Xiao Yu to take care of himself. Da Dong went back home and into his room. His father came in and said that someone wants to see him at the living room. He went into the living room. He saw a girl wearing a dress smiling at him. It was An Qi, his childhood friend. He quickly went out of the door and into the streets. Jin Bao San was walking along the streets when he bump to Da Dong. Da Dong stop at a bridge asking why is An Qi here in Taipei but not in America. He called Jin Bao San and ask him to go to his house and see if there is a girl in the house. At the house, Da Dong's parents and An Qi talked. The doorbell rang and his mother open the door hoping to see Da Dong but it was Jin Bao San. Bao San went in and saw An Qi. At night, Da Dong was still waiting for Jin Bao San to tell him about the news. He called Jin Bao San. When Jin Bao San got that call, he shut his phone. He went back home. The next day, in class, Jin Bao San told everone about his discovery. Sha Jie beat one of his men when he talk nonsense about Da Dong making the girl pregnant. Lei Ke Si was thinking whether the girl that Jin Bao San said was An Qi. Xiao Yu took notice of it. Da Dong came and Sha Jie stop beating. She went over to him. She said that there was a girl in Da Dong's house that night. Da Dong went over to Jin Bao San. When he was about to punch him, Tian Xin came in so they just sat at their own seat. Tian Xin said that there is someone transferring to the class. A girl went in. It was An Qi. Da Dong quickly run while the others just look at her with drooling mouths and eyes big. At the corridor, the DM and the drill master was walking happily. Da Dong bump onto them and quickly run away. Da Dong stop at the basketball court then asking himself why must An Qi be transfering into Zhong Ji Yi Ban. Ya Se was walking down the corridor of the school wearing an orange t-shirt, jeans and a cap. Xiao Yu saw him and approaches him. Ya Se ask whether there is anything new in the class. Xiao Yu told him that a beautiful girl came into their class and he thinks that she was in a relationship with Da Dong and Lei Ke Si. Jin Bao San saw him also. He also went over to Ya Se. Ya Se hinted to Jin Bao San that he might want some beatings. Xiao Yu said that he'll pretend he won't see it. Jin Bao San quickly run away. Ya Se went away. At class, when Da Dong was about to leave. An Qi pat his shoulder. He turned away and quickly run away. Lei Ke Si came and brought An Qi home. At the streets, Lei Ke SI and An Qi were walking back home. When Lei Ke Si already sent An Qi home, he walk under the subway. There, he bump onto three men. He didn't say sorry so he was threaten that he will get beaten. In stead, he was the one who beat the three of them. Ya Se saw him beating them. The next day, in class, Jin Bao San ask what is the relationship of him and An Qi. Jin Bao San put his hand over Lei Ke Si's shoulder. Then, Xiao Yu felt a slowly increasing power that is in the class. Da Dong came and everyone sat at their own seats. Sha Yu came and told Da Dong that Tian Xin was looking for him at the office. Da Dong went to the office. He sat down at the chair. An Qi came in with tea made by herself for Tian Xin and she sat beside Da Dong. When Da Dong was about to run away, Tian Xin ask him to sit down tightly. The longer they talk, Da Dong's face was blushing so hard like a tomato. When Tian Xin finish talking, Da Dong quickly stood up and ran away quickly. At home, Da Dong's mother was knitting while Da Dong was reading a book. When his mother start talking about An Qi, he quickly went into his room. In his room, he memorised An Qi's letters that he keep inside a box. At a theme park, An Qi was waiting for someone. Lei Ke Si came. She thought it was Da Dong. But it was Lei Ke Si. So they had some fun at the theme park. The next day, Jin Bao San came in with a hurt eye. Someone came up to him and ask for a ciggratte. So he gave it to the someone. When he was about to give it, he saw it was An Qi dressed up just like Sha Jie. Sha Jie and Linda came in. She was shock when she saw An Qi wearing teh same type of uniform like hers with the make up. She ask whether she ate the wrong medicine or something. That's the end of KO One episode 6 summary. Hope you enjoys. For those who didn't enjoy. I'm sorry then.

Sunday, October 12, 2008 ; 1:41 PM♥
❤爱,小傑 ;

Hello people. Sorry for being late. Down with fever this few days so can't open my com. This is the legend of the brown sugar chivalries. Enjoys. It started when Xiao Long and Xiao Bao in a romantic restaurant dining complete with music. Xiao Long started being sad again thinking about the stone. Xiao Bao hinted that maybe her shining armour is not Liu Xiang. It could be someone that is always beside her. He was hinting about himself. Xiao Long stood up and throw the stone away. Xiao Bao run after the stone and catch it. Xiao Long ask why did he still took it. Xiao bao ask why did she want to throw away. The stone has accompanied her for a long time already. He said again what if her shining armour still exist, and it is not Liu Xiang but the shining armour turn into a frog not a prince. Or even turn like him. What would she do? Please wait for her reply because we are changing scenes. At the hospital, Ying Ying's dad beat one of the bodyguards and ran away. In a car, Liu Xiang was driving. Beside him, Ying Ying was looking at the scenery. They stop at a traffic light. The car next to them was drive by Linghu Cong. Liu Xiang ask whether he knows places that is fun. When Linghu Cong said that anywhere is fun, the green light turn on and he zoom off. Ying Ying ask Liu Xiang why must they ask Linghu Cong for places they can go. Liu Xiang said that if she doesn't like it, he will stop asking him. He try to hold Ying Ying's hand but Ying Ying refuse. So, he just drove off. At a room, Sheng Nu Guardian apologise to someone who is under a cloth. At a shopping centre, Liu Xiang and Ying Ying were walking. They went over to a neoprint shop. Ying Ying ask if they want to stop by. They started taking photos. While they were eating, Liu Xiang said that he should do more poses. All he did was peace signs. Ying Ying smiled. When Ying Ying saw a blue fire up on a building, she immediately told Liu Xiang that she has to go. On a rooftop of a building, Linghu Cong was thinking of Ying Ying. He started screaming asking why must he think about all this useless things. Linghu Cong also saw the blue fire so he went to the blue fire ass pub. While he was standing outside the pub, he saw Ying Ying hiding. He went over to her. While they were talking, the Sheng Nu guardian came and immediately Linghu Cong covered Ying Ying. He start apologising to her after the guardian left. Liu Xiang came. Linghu Cong went back to the school to tell the principal. Ying Ying ask Liu Xiang why is he here. He said that she was bad at lying to him. Ying Ying told him that she went to the pub because she saw the sign. (The blue fire.) At a room in the school, Qian Bei has just woken up. He was tied to a chair. His wife said that she will be putting another worm in Qian Bei's stomach to fight with the worm that is already in his stomach. Guo Jing went away and met Jian Ning. They saw Cang Tai asking will they fight with him. Guo Jing volunteered but Cang Tai ignore him. Jian Ning wanted to test Guo Jing's skill so she ran after him. Jian Ning brought Guo Jing into a forest. They fight and each time they fight, Jian Ning loses. She ask him how does he gets his neili so fast. They talked. Then, Guo Jing brought her to a place. They went to a stream. That is where Qian Bei and Guo Jing usually practise. They played at the water. Jian Ning fall down and Guo Jing save her. Guo Jing ask whether she want to hold his hand so she would not fall down again. Jian Ning hold Guo Jing's hand. They went to a rock. Guo Jing ask Jian Ning to sit. Guo Jing saw that the rock is full of leaves and mud. He cleared it away. When it was cleared, Guo Jing ask her to sit down. When the two of them sat down, Jian Ning ask him to lower his head. Guo Jing do as he told and he got push by Jian Ning. They splash water at each other. At the pub, Liu Xiang was waiting in the car with Ying Ying. Ying Ying got to know that her dad escape and is tracked by Dong Fang Bu Bai himself. They saw Dong Fang Bu Bai's men walk away into cars and the both of them followed the cars. The principal got to know about it and he went to meet them. Linghu Cong was walking in the forest. Ren Han Tian was chased by two men and he bump to Linghu Cong. Linghu Cong fight the two men and not long after that, the principal and Teacher Lu were there. The Sheng Nu Guardian was also there. When they were about to fight again, Dong Fang Bu Bai came. Qian Bei and his wife also came. Dong Fang Bu Bao ask Qian Bei where is his girlfriend. Qian Bei smirk at him. Dong Fang Bu Bai (DFBB) went away with his followers. When he was about to leave, he turn around and quickly run towards Ren Han Tian. Linghu Cong saw it and he got attack by DFBB. Qian Bei's wife ask why did he do such a sneaky move. Qian Bei started the fight. All of them attack together. DFBB ask his men to activate all the blue fire order so that all his followers will come. He's going to finish off West Side. Ren Han Tian took Linghu Cong's sword and said that he knew that he wants the Bing Fo Dan but he won't give it to him. He killed himself using the sword. At the school, Qian Bei ask the teacher to insert zhenqi into Linghu Cong. After that, he was put in the sick bay to rest. When Ying Ying was infront of her dad's body, all her memories about her dad get into her head. Then she stood up and walk past Liu Xiang. Liu Xiang caught hold of her and ask where she is going. Liu Xiang ask whether she wants to take revenge but first she must perfect the seven people formation first. Her dad says that she should not be taking revenge for him before he died. Ying Ying hug him and cry all the way. In the forest, Guo Jing was drying his clothes over the fire. Jian Ning was drying her hair. Guo Jing ask Jian Ning to put on his shirt. Jian Ning ask what about him. He said that he is dried already. Jian Ning's phone ring. It was Xiao Long. When she told about Linghu Cong, Jian Ning got really shock that her phone drop off from her hand. Jian Ning quickly run to the school. She went into the sick bay. She quickly try to woke Linghu Cong up. She went over to her dad and the principal asking whether he could be save or not. At a corner of the school, Cang Tai, Xiao Bao, Xiao Long and Liu Xiang was talking about Linghu Cong. Xiao Bao ask whether anyone want to eat. Cang Tai ask for tuna sashimi. He started to walk but he stop and turn to ask Xiao Long. He ask whether Xiao Long want a take out. But Xiao Long didn't want. Xiao Bao ask whether she wants bubble tea. Xiao Long sensing that Xiao Bao won't stop asking said that she want some and ask whether he wants to go with her but Xiao Bao decline and went away. Liu Xiang said that looks like Xiao Long is already closer to Xiao Bao. Xiao Long started to be nervous and said that all she does is just classmate love and nothing else. Liu Xiang ask why is she being nervous when he just said that they are just closer. Xiao Long start to find an excuse and quickly went out. In the sick bay, Jian Ning was still sitting beside Linghu Cong. Xiao Long came in and ask Jian Ning whether she wants to eat. Jian Ning decline and ask Xiao Long whether the stone that can make wishes come true is still with her. Xiao Long gave her and Jian Ning quickly wish. Guo Jing saw Jian Ning wishing for Da Shi Xiong to wake up from outside the sick bay. At the school's conveniance store, Qian Bei's wife showed the worm that is going to be in Qian Bei's stomach. When Guo Jing came back and they heard that Linghu Cong's condition still haven't been good. Qian Bei agreed to swallow the worm. The next day, Jian Ning was still in the sick bay sitting beside Linghu Cong but sleeping. Ying Ying came in the sick bay. Memories of Linghu Cong pass through her mind. When she saw that Linghu Cong is going to wake up soon, she quickly went away. Linghu Cong woke up and saw Jian Ning beside him. Jian Ning quickly call her father. In the kitchen, Guo Jing was searching for oil. When he found it, he went away and saw Jian Ning. She told him that Linghu Cong is awake. Then, they walk past each other. Jian Ning turn around and told Guo Jing to not be tired with Qian Bei's orders. Guo Jing said thank you and went away. At the store, the worms are fighting inside Qian Bei's stomach. Guo Jing fed the master oil and the worm got out. The worm that got out is the worm his wife ask him to swallow. She started to cry asking why must she fail again. Guo Jing took Qian Bei's hand and started to pat his wife. She hug Qian Bei. Guo Jing left the two of them in the room alone. In the sick bay, Jian Ning was feeding Linghu Cong porridge. Xiao Long, Xiao Bao, Liu Xiang and Ying Ying look at him happily. Ying Ying apologise to Linghu Cong. And she thank Xiao Long for the donations. Jian Ning thank Xiao Long for lending her the stone so that her wish come true. Xiao Long said that the stone is actually a fake. Xiao Bao added up and said that there is a sick person here so they should go out to let Linghu Cong rest. They started to walk over to the door. Jian Ning was about to give Xiao Long the stone when Xiao Bao ask her to give it to him instead. He try to snatch it and it was thrown on the floor. Liu Xiang saw it and pick it up. Liu Xiang ask Xiao Bao didn't he have a big bag of it.He try to ignore it and quickly drag Xiao Long away. They went to a corner of the school. There, Xiao Long ask why did he stop Liu Xiang from remembering Xiao Long. When Xiao Bao said that there is a truth behind this, Xiao Long beat him so that he will talk. He told her that Liu Xiang already know that Xiao Long is the little princess but he just ignores it and ask Xiao Bao to keep it a secret. Liu Xiang came and meet them. Xiao Bao quickly drag him away into their room. In their room, Liu Xiang ask him to speak the truth. Xiao Bao told him about long, long ago. Xiao Long was thinking about Liu Xiang. At the room, Xiao Bao has just finish telling the truth to Liu Xiang. Liu Xiang suggest telling Xiao Long but Xiao Bao quickly refuse. He said that Liu Xiang must keep it a secret. Liu Xiang ask whether have he fallen for Xiao Long. Xiao Bao quickly decline. That's the end of Hei Tang Qun Xia Zhuan episode 7 summary.

Thursday, October 9, 2008 ; 3:47 PM♥
❤爱,小傑 ;

KO One episode 5 is here. Enjoy it while it last. Don't regret after reading it. Hehe. It started at the Black Cat Hotel. Ya Se ask Lei Ke Si to fight but then Lei Ke Si went away. The next day, at class, Lei Ke Si stood infront of the class and said thanks to everybody. Ya Se quickly went to him and said when will he going to stop acting. Da Dong confront him and he went away. Da Dong and Xiao Yu went after him. At the garden, Da Dong ask Xiao Yu to to say it. Xiao Yu say it straight forwardly that Da Dong wants to apologise to Ya Se. Then they talked. Jin Bao San came and said that Lei Ke Si try to commit suicide. The three of them went to the sick bay. At the teacher's office, Ya Se came and told the teacher about Lei Ke Si being KO.2. Tian Xin didn't believe it. In the night, Ya Se saw Lei Ke Si fight. They talk. The next day, Da Dong talk to Xiao Yu about Ya Se. Then, he decided to ask Ya Se out. He said that everytime he has a problem, he will come look for him. Da Dong went away. Lei Ke Si went to Xiao Yu and gave some Chopin records. Ya Se came and Lei Ke Si went away. At class, Sha Jie has written a love letter to Da Dong. She saw Ya Se and decided to ask him to give it to Da Dong. Ya Se was called by Tian Xin while Lei Ke Si saw what happen. Tian Xin talk to Ya Se about Lei Ke Si. At the school's notice board, Sha Jie's love letter was posted up. Jin Bao San and his gang saw it and read it. Da Dong and Xiao Yu came. He read it also. Sha Jie and her gang came also and took away the letter. She bump into Ya Se and hit him. Da Dong got into a fight with Ya Se and he went away. Lei Ke Si heard what happen and smile to himself. In the class, Jin Bao San was finding his lunch box. Ya Se went in and saw Jin Bao San's lunch box under his table. He threw it on the floor. He got into a fight with Jin Bao San. Lei Ke Si was calling Ya Se's man saying that Ya Se got hit by Jin Bao San. Three of his man came and beat Jin Bao San. The next day, Jin Bao San told Da Dong about it. Ya Se called home to find out whether it is true. Then, he said that, it's true that his man did it. But he wasn't the one who ask them to do it. He went away. Lei Ke Si went to the piano room and took some of Xiao Yu's piano piece. Then, he sprayed perfume in the room. Xiao Yu came and found that his piano score is lost. He went back to class and ask Ya Se angrily. He took Ya Se's bag and find his piano score torn. After school, during self-study, Tian Xin got to know that Zhong Ji Yi Ban was going to fight. She went quickly to class and said that it is ok that the class is going to fight but she really doesn't like people who betray the class. She told them that Ya Se betrayed the class. Lei Ke Si came in. Ya Se quickly go to him and punch his face. Lei Ke Si blown away. Da Dong and Ya Se started to fight. Ya Se keep his weapon back. He went out. Xiao Yu saw him and followed him. Tian Xin ask Da Dong to come with her to the office. That's the end of KO One episode 5.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008 ; 12:33 PM♥
❤爱,小傑 ;

Hello, Fahrenheit fans. This is KO One episode 4 summary. Enjoy it while it last. At the stall, Duan Chang Ren ask what did the four of them want to eat. Da Dong suggest sashimi so Duan Chang Ren make sashimi for them. Duan Chang Ren came with his sashimi. They started to eat. At night, Jin Bao San and his gang walk past Black Cat Hotel. They saw Lei Ke Si transform into a handsome and charming boy. Can't describe it. The next day, in class, Jin Bao San quickly went to Da Dong and told him what happen. Da Dong saw Lei Ke Si coming in looking sleepy like ever. At lunch, Da Dong was walking with Tian Xin. Tian Xin ask him to find out more about Lei Ke Si because there has been someone looking for him at school. Then, Da Dong went to ask Lei Ke Si whether he could see his family. Then they went back home. At the teacher's office, the teachers were surrounded by three man. They ask about Lei Ke Si. When Tian Xin told them, they went out. In fron of a house, Lei Ke Si and Da Dong were about to go in but Da Dong said that he needs to meet Xiao Yu and Ya Se. So, he went back home. A woman came to Lei Ke Si and ask whether he wants anything from the house. He walk away. At DCR (Duan Chang Ren)'s stall, Ya Se and Xiao Yu were talking about Lei Ke Si. Da Dong came. Da Dong ask what was the two of them talking about just then. Ya Se told Xiao Yu to say it. Xiao Yu said that Ya Se suspects that Lei Ke Si could be KO.2 straightly. DCR talked about the KO Charts with them. At night, Tian Xin who got a call from Lei Ke Si to meet him at Black Cat Hotel saw Lei Ke Si dress up as a waiter. They talk and Lei Ke Si was brought to the back to get beaten up. Tian Xin called Da Dong and the three of them went to Black Cat Hotel. There, they saw Lei Ke Si hurt after got beaten up. They went back to Tian Xin's place. The next day, in class, Da Dong came and said that the class is going to work part-time. Then he went out again to find Tian Xin. He saw Tian Xin and told her about the class going to work part time. He got the permission for the whole class to be absent for three days for self-study. He went back to class and announced the great news. Lei Ke Si stood up and said thanks to the class. They started working that night. The next day, everyone was asleep except for Lei Ke Si(he didn't work).Ya Se got a text message from someone. It is from KO.2. That night, the three of them went to Black Cat Hotel again to give the money. Xiao Yu got hit on his head and he quickly beat them up. The boss come out and he took the money. They went to work again. The next day, they counted the money but it's only $50,000. Da Dong told them that if there's anyone who don't want to work anymore, there's no need for them to go to work. He went out. Ya Se pawned his hanphone, necklace and earring. Tian Xin gave Da Dong $300,000. She said that she sell off her stocks to get that money. At class, Xiao Yu gave a letter with money in it to Da Dong. He said that someone pawn his hanphone, necklace and earring to get this money. Then they gather all the money and it was altogether $450,000. They just lack of the $50,000 that Jin Bao San have. They went to find him and got the money. At the hotel, they gave the money and the police came and arrest the boss and his gang. Ya Se got a call from KO.2. At an old alley, Ya Se was waiting for KO.2 to appear. KO.2 appear. He gave a move and went away in a car. He went to a hotel. The KO.2 as Ya Se suspect is truly Lei Ke Si. Ya Se and Xiao Yu was waiting in the car for Lei Ke Si. Xiao Yu went back home at 12.00am. At 03.00am, Ya Se saw Lei Ke Si in the hotel. Then he followed and talk to him. That's the end of KO One episode 4 summary. Enjoy.

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